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3 May, 2023

Students model their reflexive journeys

Yesterday, Early Childhood Education and Care students presented their Creative Reflexive Practioner Display, representing their reflexive journeys through their lives so far.

No two projects looked the same, as students used Lego, Hama beads, cardboard, and paper to represent the ups and downs of their life's journey. Many remembered the hardships of Covid, including the impact it had on their learning, their mental health, and, in one case, their business. And while they often featured further obstacles to come, many were optimistic, and looked to a future of graduation and work.


Dani's project (pictured above) depicted the three years of her degree, beginning with the lowest floor, a darker room with the stress of Covid, and building up to the top. The dollhouse-like model also featured Dani's current classroom, with woodland creatures representing the students she works with.

Jazmine Early Childhood Education and Care project featuring lego Winnie the Pooh

Also featured (pictured above) was Jazmine's model of a garden, feautring Lego versions of Winnie the Pooh characters. As with all pieces, different features represented aspects of her journey. One such feature was Winnie the Pooh himself throwing Pooh sticks into the river. This represented the things that Jazmine had overcome, whilst still grounding the piece in the childlike joy of the famed yellow bear's stories.

While sharing her students' work, Course Leader Louise Hannan explained to us what it means to be a reflexive practitioner:

"Being a reflexive practitioner requires students to understand their impact on the world around them and the world's impact on them, in a reflexive relationship. They build reflection skills in year 1 and critically reflective skills in year 2. By year 3, they are required to full understand themselves as practitioners, professionals and people."

Interested in, or already working in Early Childhood Education and Care? Take your career to the next level by studying with us! Or, take a look at some more of our students' reflexive projects.