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10 January, 2023

Alumni and All-stars visit UCS Media Make-up

Media Make-up students had a great start to the Spring Term last week. With their final industry project approaching, the soon-to-be graduating class were visited by industry professionals across two days.

On their first day back, students were visited by two alumni, Gabby Hillman and Sammy Vanstone, both of whom have been working successfully within the industry since graduating. Students were able to use the visit to gain insight into the industry, as well as learning from application demonstrations and individual tutorials. The last of these were particularly valuable, giving the third years tailored advice on their final projects.

The following day, the UCS Media Make-up department was treated to another exciting visit, this time from two professionals working with Bentley Advanced Materials, including mould maker and special effects artist, Pete Tindall. Pete has worked on a range of projects, including Dumbo, Jurassic World, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Doctor Who.

The two guests gave students an insight into the industry, as well as explaining more about make-up prosthetics, and brining in masks as high-end examples. The students really enjoyed getting involved, asking plenty of questions in a Q&A, and putting their newly learnt skills into practice. The session ended with learners creating their own miniature props out of resin, using moulds brought in by Bentley Advanced Materials, and taking home anything they made to keep!

If you’re interested in learning more about a degree in Media Make-up, click here.