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31 October, 2022

Pawsome Cannington Residents in the Spotlight

Some of our many campus creatures step into the spotlight with UCS’s Animal Profiles.

Over the summer, a few animals at the Cannington campus were handpicked to become a part of a UCS marketing campaign. Each animal was put on a poster and each profile has been part of a rollout across social media.

While a diverse range of animals have been spotlighted in this campaign, they still only show a fraction of the animal collection at the Animal Management Centre. Ben, the donkey, and colleague Rosie, a Shetland pony, live alongside other horses and donkeys. Meanwhile, Mel is one of many rabbits, Basil lives alongside yet-to-be-photographed tortoises, and Wilky and Willy’s enclosure is a stone’s throw away from the meerkats.

We have enjoyed the opportunity to shine a spotlight on just a few of the amazing Cannington residents. Whether it’s an iguana, a raccoon dog called Mocha, or a pair of otters, our animals enrich the Animal Management & Wildlife Conservation degree by offering students practical experience of caring for a huge range of species.  Lucy Cocks, Animal Management and Wildlife Conservation degree student, shared,

“I love how practical my degree is and that we have access to such a diverse range of animals. This has allowed me to get hands-on experience which I wouldn’t get anywhere else.”

Sam Tull added,

“What we are learning about in lectures, we get to put into practice with the animals here, which is great and something I don’t think you would get to experience at universities. The animal collection is always expanding with new animals such as otters and meerkats.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Animal Management & Wildlife Conservation degree, click here. Plus, come along to our Cannington Campus Open Day on Saturday 12 November, 10am – 1pm, by signing up here.