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29 September, 2022

Equipping Students for a Digital Future

University Centre Somerset has just launched its pioneering digital strategy, issuing iPads for study.

The scheme is designed to transform how students and staff learn and teach. Benefits include not having to carry heavy books to and from lessons, easy access to images, videos and other educational resources, and the ability to study at any time and in any location.

The apps installed on the iPads are all designed to support study and improve communication, as well as giving students the opportunity to gain experience with programmes that are staples of the workplace, such as Microsoft Office 365. 

The new, full-time nursing degree cohort are the first UCS students to be a part of this digital transformation. Jess Cemm said that it was great that the iPads would be light, making them “so quick to turn on and easy to use so that we can learn on the move.” This is especially important for student nurses as they often learn on their feet whilst on wards and engaging in practicals.

Bethan Nodwell said “I’m buzzing! I wasn’t going to have access to an iPad, I couldn’t afford one myself, but now I’ll have easy access to digital learning.” Others, such as Nyima Forster-Touray showed more hesitancy about the new technology - “we didn’t have access to iPads when I was last at university” – but are eager and ready to learn.

From pleasantly surprised, to excited, and “buzzing”, it is so great to see new students coming together to unbox technology that will help them move forward in their learning. Not only does this open up pathways to learning, creating a digital learning space, it also provides access to materials that students might not otherwise have.

Find out more about our nursing courses at UCS here.